No fewer than 473 newspapers and magazines have been de-listed by the Tanzanian government for being inactive for three consecutive years.
Some of the de-registered newspapers and magazines are Alasiri, Dar Leo, Utamu, Raha, Starehe, Daily Times, Financial Times, Wakati, Mkombozi, Jamii Express, Pata Ukweli and Habari Za Tanzania.
Others are Weekly Deals, Mamboleo, Nwamko, Tanga Yetu, Nwana Africa, Kilimanjaro Yetu, Kigoma Yetu, Mtazamo, Arusha Raha, Pwani Wiki Hii, Habari Njema, Sani Sport, Admedia Magazine and Advertising Africa.
According to the Minister of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports, Mr Nape Nauye, the de-registration of the media houses was effected through public notice that was published in a government gazette dated June 10,2016,number 195 (supplement No 23).
The minister further declared that due to the de-registration, nobody will be allowed to publish or distribute such newspapers and magazines through a hard copy or electronically since it was against the Tanzanian law.
He said that the ministry reviewed the certificate of oath of the registration of all magazines and newspapers before the de-registration exercise.
Prior to the exercise, the government announced its intention to de-register 550 newspapers and magazines after offering an opportunity for owners to come up and defend themselves.
The minister further explained that if there was any owner of newspaper (s) who wanted to continue with business after the de-registration, opportunities are open for submission of fresh applications for registration as per existing procedures.
The minister also revealed that there are 881 legally registered newspapers and magazines in Tanzania, according to figures from the Registrar of Newspapers which is within the Tanzanian Information Services, MAELEZO.