Food is a necessity across different socio-economic class; and top brands are relentlessly creating association with it in order to gain traction, acceptance and expression in the marketplace. While that sounds like a drift, there’s likelihood that brands will continue to seek more opportunities to connect to foods, even the very unlikely ones.

Currently on top-of-mind is Peak Milk’s “PECADOMO”.
Though regularly consumed by the middle-to-upper class, milk was a clear outsider to what is generally perceived as regular meals in Nigeria. However, that changed when Peak Milk launched ‘Pecadomo’, an acronym formed from a longer phrase, ‘Peak CAN DO More’; which was designed to elevate Peak Milk not just as a component of light breakfast meals (like coffee, tea, cocoa beverage drinks and in some cases, pap and custard) but as an integral constituent of our daily meals.
Peak innovated brilliantly, elevating itself to an enviable position; and positioning itself at the centre-stage of quality nutrition.
Since the launch, Pecadomo has been a hit, cleverly helping Peak Milk re-enforce its position as a clear category leader. And as consumers continue to seek new flavours and experiences, other food and beverage brands in Nigeria began to explore innovative ways to connect their products with consumers in other ways beyond the regular pitches.
While Coca-Cola may have been the first in recent times to explore food-inspired campaigns in Nigeria, it may actually be Peak Milk that glamorized and made the practice trendy and more sustainable with the launch and successful execution of Pecadomo.
In Nigeria, consumers are quite familiar with the idea of enjoying milk with tea, pap, cornflakes, Quaker Oats and other traditional breakfast items. Lunch and dinner are usually laden with heavy doses of starch and oil, and very little of other essential nutrients like protein, fibre, vitamins and mineral that the body requires for healthy growth. Such dietary imbalance has its consequence – malnutrition.
According to a 2013 report by the Federal Ministry of Health, 41 per cent of Nigerian children under age five suffer stunted growth as a result of malnutrition. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) nails it home when it disclosed that Nigeria has one of the poorest rates of milk consumption in the world.
Hence, Pecadomo was conceived as a solution to this nagging challenge, as it highlights and focuses on driving new and wider usages for Peak milk beyond the breakfast menu. It meant that regular meals like eba, semo, pounded yam, et al can be as rich in protein and other essential nutrient as they are in starch and oil. Pecadomo now becomes an invitation for consumers to explore and discover the goodness and richness of milk beyond traditional breakfast meals.
Within a year of launch, over 100 Pecadomo recipes have been conceived; which had benefited Peak Milk in terms of brand equity and market share.
This success recorded in a short time had prompted other brands in soft drink and alcoholic beverage categories to strategically aim their campaigns at foodies.
Today, we are beginning to see the emergence of celebrity chefs like Falz and AY in food-based TV shows and online digital content. While this looks like a transitory trend, a Toe-In-Water (TIW) survey reveals that it is likely to continue as more brands are expected to join the brand-wagon and consumers are becoming more health conscious.
Trust Nigerians consumers who are naturally trend-conscious, they are already jumping on Pecadomo, embracing Peak Milk as an integral part of their daily food recipes; and in the process, enjoying stronger bodies and sharper minds.
As for me, I’m not just going to watch the trend evolve, I’ll be part of the movement.
You should too, because Peak Can Do More for you. Trust me.