10 Branding Tips For Small Businesses In Nigeria…By Precious Oyetayo Subuloye MCIM, rpa, MNIMN


10 Branding Tips For Small Businesses In Nigeria...By Precious Oyetayo Subuloye MCIM, rpa, MNIMN-marketingspace.com.ng

The understanding of public perception and recognition by large companies is a significant distinction from that of small businesses. Over time, branding came to mean managing the public’s perception of a company or other entity. But every individual with a service or commodities to provide has a brand. Spectacular Marketing’s founder, Mark McCulloch, asserts that, whether you like it or not, you have a brand. It’s best to accept that and figure out how to best engage your target market with your brand.

Making an impression is the key to branding. If you want to be successful, that first impression needs to portray your company in a favorable light and highlight what makes it unique. Therefore, branding is relevant to all businesses, small and large.small businesses.

As Forbes defines it: “Put simply, your ‘brand’ is what your prospect thinks of when he or she hears your brand name.

But when they hear the phrase branding, owners of start-ups and expanding companies typically become anxious, either because they don’t know what it means or because they find the process of thinking about it to be quite laborious. Their excuses can include not having enough money or resources or not having enough time to complete everything. Additionally, small enterprises frequently find it rather laborious to break through the congestion in the market.

However, branding doesn’t have to be a difficult or costly procedure. Maybe the best place to start would be with the phrasing. The meaning of the term “branding” might change if “reputation” were used in its stead. What others think of you and your company depends on its reputation. Even though each company is different, the guidelines listed below can assist the majority of SMEs in developing into strong brands with distinct identities.

  1. Create a Mission Statement. A mission statement is a one- or two-sentence synopsis of an organization’s objectives and core principles. The following three points should be included in your mission statement, per Business Dictionary: Identify your priorities, target markets, and the course you want to take the business in. This mission statement ought to be applied to every choice the company takes. It takes work to craft a mission statement and tagline. Simply start by outlining the goods or services you provide, the reason(s) behind your company’s founding, the target market you wish to target, and your entire product or service offering. Although your final draft should just have a few phrases that express your particular style and tone and clearly identify what your firm stands for, your first draft is probably going to be rather long.
  2. Make Yourself Known Among Rivals Consider why your target market should decide to purchase from you. Is it your immense reservoir of wisdom? A special product that works better than alternatives? Your capacity to pay? It’s critical to explain why choosing your business is the greatest option. You can’t expect to succeed if you’re a startup or small business and don’t set yourself apart from similar competitors, the majority of whom have presumably been in operation for much longer.
  3. Establish a Connection with a Brand Logo Creating a logo that effectively conveys your company’s message will help you stand out from the competitors. Your logo establishes brand awareness and communicates your company’s culture and values to the globe in an instant. Consider the most popular logos or icons on social media, for instance. Like Instagram’s camera logo, you can tell right once who the firm is and what they do without even needing to say a word. And without needing to know the name or description of the company, everyone searching for a coffee shop will pull over as soon as they see that large green circle and arrive at Starbucks. Don’t cut corners when it comes to the importance of your logo. Likewise, avoid settling for a logo that you aren’t completely in love with because it is quite tough to rebrand once it has been published. You might get direct assistance from your site hosting company, or they might suggest a skilled design firm such as 99Designs. This logo designer requests information from you via a questionnaire in order to better understand your company. They then consult with expert logo artists worldwide and provide a complete refund if you’re not satisfied.
  4. Create a Mission Statement. A mission statement is a one- or two-sentence synopsis of an organization’s objectives and core principles. The following three points should be included in your mission statement, per Business Dictionary: Identify your priorities, target markets, and the course you want to take the business in. This mission statement ought to be applied to every choice the company takes.
  5. Create a Reputable Website Having a great website for your business is essential, even though it might seem apparent. Furthermore, it doesn’t have to be costly or scary if you go with a hosting provider like Bluehost, as they offer support teams to assist you in choosing the ideal domain names and making the most of the powerful features offered by free WordPress designs. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as 80 percent of Internet users own a smartphone and 51 percent of online time is now spent on mobile devices (51% vs. 42%), more than desktop PCs. Static content, element arrangement, and color selections all contribute to making sure the personality of your business is reflected on your website.
  6. Provide Value to Your Target Audience It should go without saying that having a website is not nearly as important as building a strong social media presence. Engage with your audience by posting high-quality articles and using expertly taken pictures. Using social media to promote your brand is a great idea. Particularly when utilizing the platforms where the majority of your target audience resides. By purchasing advertisements or optimizing your postings for particularly focused audiences based on factors like age, location, or hobbies, you can get even more use out of social networks. While your logo helps people recognize you, your content strengthens bonds with them and enables you to share your main principles with them.
  7. Develop the Character of Your SME – Try giving your startup or SME a personality. Consider your brand as a person and what your audience needs it to represent. Then, when you generate content and communicate, keep that in mind at all times.
  8. Customize your Merchandise: If your company offers the option to print on your merchandise, seize the chance. Make sure to publicize your brand or company name. One never knows how far printing materials and keepsakes can go.
  9. Advertise – Regardless of your size, you can choose from a range of low-cost advertising options like social media advertising, email marketing, and in-person networking at nearby business conferences to increase leads, boost sales, and return on investment. The kind of business you operate and the good or service you’re promoting will determine the most effective strategy for small business advertising.
  10. Provide seminars or online consultations: In return for an hour of your time, you can offer classes or even one-on-one consultation. In addition, you can organize in-person consultations or just publicize the event to your audience and ask people to register online. Take the action that best suits your company.
  11. The is a bonus point because you read to thos pointn – Build on Client Involvement by considering your customers to be advisors. Give them the impression that they are a member of your organization. Fantastic perk that keeps customers talking about you and growing your clientele for you. As you both learn from your clients’ actions and feedback, stay focused. At all times, take action to advance the level of involvement you are providing.

In summary Though it’s a necessary component, developing a small business brand involves more than just designing a striking logo. It’s about developing a rapport with your audience and becoming recognized as a reliable authority in the field before they ever buy anything. It’s about presenting chances for your followers to learn useful information that enhances their lives and conveys the fundamental values that guide your business endeavors. We hope that our compilation of the top branding advice for small businesses was useful to you. Thus, why do you delay? Grasp a writing instrument and begin crafting your mission statement!