25th April is marked as World Malaria day all over the world. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the Total Group in Nigeria (Total Nigeria Plc, Total Upstream Companies in Nigeria and its OML 130 partners NNPC/NAPIMS, CNOOC, Petrobras and Sapetro) partners with the government, non-governmental and other humanitarian bodies to fight malaria in Africa. The Group took its 2017 malaria intervention to Abeokuta, Ogun state in western Nigeria.

The 2015 World Health Organization’s Malaria fact Sheet show 212 million malaria cases and 429,000 malaria deaths were recorded. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to bear a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden, making the region home to 90% of malaria cases and 92% of malaria deaths. Increased prevention and control measures have led to a 29% reduction in malaria mortality rates globally since 2010. This explains why Total is determined to partner with stakeholders and other corporate organizations in the fight to prevent and eradicate malaria in line with the 2017 theme for the World Malaria Day “End Malaria for Good, play your role”.
In playing its role, the Total Group in Nigeria joined the world to mark this day with a two day lineup of activities. The campaign activities were aimed at helping the population protect themselves from malaria. This came about after preliminary stakeholder consultations have been done with the beneficiary state.
Amongst the activities for the campaign were is the training of over 72 Ogun State Health workers by medical experts, distribution of 1,500 long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets to families and members of the public in the state as well as the demonstration of proper use of the nets; distribution of 40 thousand educational handbills on the prevention and management of Malaria to members of the public. The distributions were effected through employee volunteerism and Total’s large network of service stations nationwide.

Members of the Ogun State Ministry of Health, the State Commissioner for Health Dr. Babatunde Ipaye and the wife of the State Governor Dr. Mrs. Olufunsho Amosun led a sensitization walk around some major streets in Abeokuta. Other participants in the activity were stakeholders such as Abeokuta community who are direct beneficiaries of the 2017 malaria intervention.
The State government’s support was quite tremendous in harmonizing activities of the private sector to ensure that efforts were not duplicated as well as having resources channeled towards the specific areas of need.

Other highlights of the program include provision of free rapid diagnostic testing for 651 persons out of which 38 persons who tested positive were treated with ACT medication. 99 children under the ages of 5 were also tested.
Internally, awareness was created amongst members of staff who were urged to keep their environment clean as well as sleep under insecticide treated nets while seeking proper medical attention when symptoms are observed.
Total remains committed to the health and environment of its communities.