Google and Facebook are expected to account for approximately 61% of all online advertising expenditure this year. WARC’s Adspend Database shows that this is up from 58% in 2016 and 47% in 2012, respectively.

As WARC’s November Global Ad Trends Report breaks it down, the anticipated $133.2bn in combined revenue will equate to a quarter of all adspend worldwide in 2017, up from a fifth in 2016 and just 9.4% in 2012.
Google alone is expected to account for some 44% of all online adspend this year, and 18% of total media spend – almost one in five dollars. Equivalent figures for Facebook put share of online spend at 18%, and 7% of global spend.
Google’s advertising revenue will outweigh Facebook’s by a factor of around 2.5:1. However, while Google’s revenue growth has been at par with global internet adspend growth over recent years, Facebook is expanding at more than twice this rate.