Airtel To Premiere Touching Lives Season 6 Tomorrow, 13th May

Airtel To Premiere Touching Lives Season 6 Tomorrow, 13th
Airtel To Premiere Touching Lives Season 6 Tomorrow, 13th

Leading telecommunications service provider, Airtel Nigeria, has announced that it will premiere the sixth edition of its flagship and award-winning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, Airtel Touching Lives, tomorrow, 13th of May 2022, in Lagos.

Airtel Touching Lives is aimed at providing succour to the underprivileged, hard to reach, vulnerable and disadvantaged in the society.

The programme takes the format of a reality television show, allowing the public to nominate causes, communities, and underprivileged persons/people with special needs. Airtel thereafter evaluates and selects the causes to support, and the activities are filmed and broadcasted on terrestrial and satellite television stations with the aim of inspiring other corporate organizations as well as well-meaning individuals to join in supporting the weak across society.

Commenting on the premiere of the sixth edition, Chief Executive Officer& Managing Director, Airtel Nigeria, Surendran Chemmenkotil, said, “We are excited to be premiering the 6th season of Airtel Touching Lives in line with our commitment to create more opportunities, platforms, and access for vulnerable and underprivileged persons across communities in the country.

“It is our hope to continue to inspire more corporate organizations to adopt the culture of giving and seek more opportunities to support the underprivileged,” he said.

The premiere will be graced by top government functionaries, captains of industries, royal leaders, NGOs, media partners, and other distinguished guests from all walks of life.

Airtel Nigeria, through the Airtel Touching Lives platform, is taking the bold step of instituting and sustaining a robust programme to uplift the poor and underprivileged and rallying other corporate organizations as well as influential persons to also contribute their own quota in bridging the gap that exists between the rich and the poor.

Airtel Touching Lives is about real people, real stories, and the real effort of a corporate organization to uplift the needy and underprivileged, emancipating thousands from the shackles of poverty, despair, and hopelessness.

Through the programme, Airtel has refurbished an ICT centre for a large community, built modern water borehole systems for large communities, refurbished cancer centres, refurbished a Library for Blind people, rehabilitated an IDP Camp clinic facility, set up small scale trade for underprivileged persons, paid medical bills of underprivileged children and women and flown many persons abroad for treatment, among others.